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This is a blog for my son. He has a rare auto immune disease that causes his body to attack food like it would a virus making it impossible for him to eat most any foods with out getting very very sick. This is a record of our ups and downs, doctor visits and procedures. Our trial and error life of finding out what foods are safe for our son to eat and eliminating the ones that are not from his life.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Easter and Referrals

Last weekend was Easter. What do you do for a toddler who can't eat food on Easter morning? 
My first thought was "Yay! We have suckers! John can have candy on Easter!"... Nope! Last week's reaction to the corn syrup took those out. So here is what I came up with this year.

A ball, a mini pillow pet, two cars, and there are some plastic eggs but they are empty.
He actually has ended up playing with the basket more than anything else but loves the cars and ball too.
We also got a super play yard for some outside time. Since John isnt walking yet I'm scared to just let him lose in the yard because of all the gum balls, pine cones, and other things on the ground. We've found a snake or two when working out there!

We had fun outside and plan to spend a lot more time out there.

John has been walking a lot more inside with the help of this little scooter that his Great Aunt Marcia gave him for Christmas...
And now I'm working (still) on getting a referral to get him into therapy to work on the walking (sans scooter), drinking with a straw/sippy cup, and working on other areas where he is a little delayed.

John had a reaction to the suckers and the Neocate Splash so we are back on Elecare exclusively.
So much for getting some variety in his diet.
So, that's all for now. I will have some more to update after his allergy test. I hope the patches aren't too uncomfortable for him. He is my little trooper though! I love him so much!

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