This week is jammed full of Dr appointments between John and myself!
Today we had his Physical Therapy (PT) evaluation. It went really well but she is concerned about John's right hip. He seems to not want to put any weight on it. I've not noticed him acting like it hurts and he's never fallen or anything like that so I dont know what's going on there but she wants an xray done on it to see what's going on, if anything, before she starts trying to manipulate it too much. She also said that he is about 11 months developmentally, which his pediatrician already said but it was nice to get a confirmation. She thinks that now that he is getting more nutrition and with therapy he will catch back up fairly quickly.
As soon as we got home from the eval John started walking.
I kid you not, he just took off!!! Little stinker!
He is still favoring one hip over the other so he will still need the xray and therapy but maybe now he wont need as much therapy or for as long!!
Tomorrow we are driving to Greenwood for his patch testing.
EE kids have delayed reactions to foods so they have to have the allergens put on his skin and left there for a while. So they will put a bunch of patches on his back and in a day or two, we will go back to Greenwood for them to remove the patches and evaluate the reaction. That will give us a pretty good list of foods NOT to try first. We will still eventually trial the foods he's had a reaction to, just not until much later.
On Wednesday we have John's Occupational Therapy (OT) evaluation. I have no idea what they are going to do for this one but they should be taking care of feeding therapy.
I hope that on Thursday we will be going back to Greenwood but I'm not sure yet...
Friday is my own appointment in Columbia. We are going to see a fertility specialist. :) We are ready to have another baby and it's looking like we are going to need a little help.
I'm so proud of my little boy!
So now that John is walking that's one goal down and one to go!
Sippy cup or straw by age 2!!