About Me

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This is a blog for my son. He has a rare auto immune disease that causes his body to attack food like it would a virus making it impossible for him to eat most any foods with out getting very very sick. This is a record of our ups and downs, doctor visits and procedures. Our trial and error life of finding out what foods are safe for our son to eat and eliminating the ones that are not from his life.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Vlog Time!!

And here it is!!

Thanks for asking questions!!


  1. GREAT job!!! I love your Thanksgiving idea - taking a family vacation. I think that's a great idea to spend some time as a family unit - away - and just enjoy the season and reflect on all you have to be thankful for. If you're ever looking for somewhere different to "camp" out we looked into some of the area's state parks. Here is a link for one near Talladega - http://www.alapark.com/cheaharesort/ They're pretty affordable plus they're pet friendly. Thanks for the great vlog! :)

  2. Las Vegas' Wynn Casino - JTM Hub
    Casino. Wynn is a www.jtmhub.com $4 billion resort with four hotel towers with 5,750 rooms herzamanindir.com/ and suites. Each of the hotel towers wooricasinos.info includes a 20,000 square foot titanium metal trim casino and 토토사이트 a
